Good Shepherd Academy Media
October Articles
Students in 1A had a “spook”-tacular time coloring and constructing a haunted house… They completed it just in time for Halloween!!
Be sure to send in your Halloween photos to gsasharepix@gmail.com
Happy Halloween, Guardian Nation!!!
It was a “boo-tiful” morning for our Halloween parade!!!
We would like to give a special shoutout to Whistle Pig Pumpkin Patch! Two great fun Fall filled days for Kindergarten and First Grade at GSA!
5B and 1A worked together on a Halloween Science Experiment! They wanted to see which substance would dissolve candy corn.
The 5th graders helped the 1st graders make predictions and conduct the experiment.
It was discovered that all the substances used dissolved the candy corn but vinegar and lemon juice were the quickest! Way to go, GSA! Awesome teamwork!
Pumpkins galore, in Pre-K 4!
Pre-K 4B enjoyed many fun activities this past month involving pumpkins. The students enjoyed reviewing their numbers and counting by going on a “pumpkin hunt”! They also did an experiment, and learned that pumpkins float in water!
Mrs. James's students in grades 5-8 got in the spirit and had a SPOOKtacular time as they tried to escape a digital Hunted House! They worked together, or if they dared, by themselves, to navigate through the eerie interface while using problem-solving to escape the ghostly digital realm before they got trapped within its haunting maze! We hope everyone has a fang-tastic Halloween!
Check out the video in the comments below, if you dare!!!!!
Students in the Individualized Instruction program attended Brighter Journeys’ first ever Sweet Treat Trail! Everyone had a wonderful time! They then enjoyed lunch at Norm’s Pizza in Wilkes-Barre.
Thank you to our friends at both Brighter Journeys and Norm’s Pizza! The students had a fantastic Halloween adventure!!!
GSA’s GPTO kicked off Halloween week by hosting a trunk or treat for students and families. It was a beautiful night for some tricks and treats!
Reminder to send photos to gsasharepix@gmail.com for use in the yearbook and Facebook!
Ghostly Greetings!
Students at Good Shepherd Academy participated in a new, fun Fall activity this year by voting for their favorite carved and decorated pumpkins in grades 5-7!
Mrs. Gryskewicz’s 7th and 8th Grade Social Studies classes were engaged by incorporating lessons on The Romans and the Thirteen Colonies by showcasing their creative talents. They enjoyed making “GSA Currency” and advertisements for a colony of their choosing!
Very proud of their hard work!!!!
How lucky are we?
KA made homemade applesauce and shared!!
Mrs. Lukatchik's class loved the applesauce so much she was only able to grab two pictures before it was gone!
A perfect Fall treat! Mrs. Semaneks Kindergarten Class enjoying their homemade applesauce! https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=1091682719626235&set=pcb.1091683562959484
KA learned all about apples. We tasted different types of apples, made apple puppets, and made applesauce which was ready for our snack time. We shared the applesauce with the other kindergarten classes.
Mrs. Upton’s Fourth Grade Science Classes celebrated Halloween by experimenting with ghost rockets! A little water and Alka-Seltzer in a film canister lead to a Friday afternoon of fun!
Please see our facebook page for this video https://www.facebook.com/goodshepherdacademy
Mrs. Upton’s Fourth Grade Science Classes celebrated Halloween by experimenting with ghost rockets! A little water and Alka-Seltzer in a film canister lead to a Friday afternoon of fun!
Please see our facebook page for this video https://www.facebook.com/goodshepherdacademy
The month of October is Fire Safety Month and the 2nd Grade Students attended a field trip to the Kingston Firehouse on Monday!
The students learned many important tips on how to stay safe during an emergency. Also, they practiced reciting their home address as well as showing how to “Stop, Drop & Roll.”
Thank you to our Kingston Fire Dept. heroes. We appreciate all that you do in helping keep us safe at all times!
Students in 8th Grade Science classes ran a preliminary experiment. Students used baking soda and vinegar reactions to inflate balloons. Next stop- bath fizzies!
On Thursday, Miss Kebles’ social studies class presented their role model projects. They had to choose a role model and then write a few sentences on why they chose that person. Great work, everyone!
Kindergarten C had tons of fun with Creepy Carrots this past week! The students enjoyed the read aloud, created their own interpretation of a creepy carrot, and sang and danced along to a song about the story!
Guess who??
Our Student Council Induction Ceremony was held this week at Good Shepherd Academy. The school community came together along with family and friends to welcome the new officers for the 2024-2025 school year.
We are proud to have them represent their classes and can’t wait to see what this group will accomplish!
“Flashlight Friday” is back!
2C enjoying their time in class with their favorite books in hand!
Pre-K 4A enjoyed working together to complete patterning and building projects!
Do M&M only melt in your mouth and not your hands? 6 Gold tested that theory!! 👏🏻⭐️
6th grade conducted 3 tests and discovered that the brown M&M didn’t have any change but red, orange and blue left some spots!
“On Wednesday he ate through three plums, but he was still hungry”.
-Eric Carle
Pre-K 4B enjoyed listening to “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” and learned about the 4 stages of the butterfly’s lifecycle.
We had a blast connecting story time with Science!!
Mrs. Ferretti’s 8th grade class is writing letters to their kindergarten selves for 9th period writing club!
The students in Mrs. Ruch’s club period are busy creating children’s stories to share with the younger students in the school!
They wrote, edited, illustrated and practiced reading their stories during the club period. Creativity is flourishing in 8B!
4A and 4B have been learning about plants in science class! They did an experiment on photosynthesis and watched the plant form bubbles as photosynthesis occurred
6th grade World History students did a stunning job creating their own Historical Exhibit Brochures on a wide variety of significant topics from the past!
In the process, they learned the importance of utilizing accurate primary and secondary sources of information in their research.
Students then had the opportunity to explore each other's brochures to learn about each topic and to choose the exhibit they would most like to visit if given the opportunity!
RunGSA was a success! The sun was shining and everyone came ready to race to the finish line!
A portion of the proceeds from the race this year will be going to Elevate Childhood Cancer Research and Advocacy.
Thank you to the sponsors, volunteers, and everyone who made this event a success! Special thanks goes out to race director Mara Valenti, Lindsey O’Connor & Kelly Ciravolo.
It was a great day to be a Guardian!
6 Blue successfully completed their challenge. All of the solar cookers worked!
Super work, 6th grade!!!
Fall is in the air!
The students in 4A and 4B made beautiful Fall scenes out of paper plates!
Wonderful work, 4th grade!!!
Pumpkin Day in 1A!! What a fun time everybody had measuring and describing our pumpkins. We predicted if they would sink or float and even tried the pumpkin seeds!
6B shows off their mosaics for religion class Beautiful job!!!
Mrs. Semanek’s Kindergarten class celebrated St. Francis Day with their favorite stuffed animals today!
Monsignor Tressler came to bless “animal” friends brought in by our Pre-K students in honor of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi.
Students learned about the works of St. Francis and how he came to be the patron saint of animals and the environment.
The Kindergarten classes learned all about the importance of their Guardian Angels on October 2, the Feast of Guardian Angels.
Can you make a s’more without fire or electricity? 6 Blue is working on it! They are designing a cooker that will melt chocolate and soften a marshmallow.
Here are some pictures of the designers at work! Check back for the final results!
Leaves are falling and Autumn is calling!
2nd grade has been “blowing us away” with their creative Fall themed art projects!
Happy National Custodian Day to two of the very best at GSA~ Mr. Jeff & Mr. Patrick!
Thank you for all you do for us… We would be lost without your guidance and knowledge! You are AWESOME!
Just when you thought school couldn't get any cooler... check out this amazing art display by a truly talented teacher~ Ms. Cooney!
On this beautiful day, Pre-K 4B paid a visit to our Blessed Mother to honor her by saying a Hail Mary.
2nd grade got into the Fall spirit last week! The students used broccoli to paint some very colorful Fall trees. How sweet and creative is that!
They did a wonderful job. Way to go, 2nd grade!
Happy Fall, GSA!
Students from 6C show the results of their teamwork. Together they used computers, art skills, religion class, and communication skills to produce their final products. Respect was the topic. Students brainstormed all about who deserves respect, why, and how to show respect. Then groups divided work, started drawing, researching, and creating their displays. They all worked together well to create informative final products.
Way to go 6C!!!!